This is an article written by Cisco Donovan, who created Lewd Mod: Noir.
Hi, I'm Cisco, writer of Lewd Mod Noir.
I love Lewd Mod.
It got me through a tough Christmas recently. 2019 I think. Sophie was my secret companion - I'd sneak away from the family, or lie curled up under my duvet after everyone had been to sleep. And Sophie was there for me while I was lonely.
After working on my own adult game for a while, and striking up a conversation with HH, it occurred to me that maybe I could actually contribute to the lewd mod story.
Of course, my game wouldn't be quite like HH's. I mean, how could it? Why should it? I don't want to copy HH's voice or peel off a shallow clone. I don't think anyone wants to play that, either.
I found myself intrigued by the idea of doing Lewd Mod my way. By creating my own Sophie, or Kath, or Maddie. By striking up my own relationship through a phone.
But I knew right away that I'd want to do a few things differently. I love film noir, and detective stories, and dark, gritty worlds like Max Payne and Sin City.
The idea of doing a noir version of Lewd Mod was seductive. Take the Lewd Mod narrative model and art style and push it in a new direction: sharper, edgier, more dramatic. Double down on HH's innovative art style. Spin out a noir yarn about treachery, paranoia, lust - and of course, attractive women sending you naughty photos.
To my surprise, HH was up for it.
The problem is, of course, I can't draw. HH can - but HH is very busy with, you know, Lewd Mod. So I'd been spinning my wheels a while, wondering how the hell I'd find an artist who could satisfy the vision I had in my head while still staying true to HH's style. I wanted something different - but not very different. And I needed this thing drawn with vision and class.
Enter Søft. I've followed her art Twitter for a while and always been struck by her own vision. This picture, in particular, sticks in my mind:
There's an elegance, an eye for detail, an artistry around the lines, which I think is rare. It also helps that it's black and white, that Søft is already interested in noir-y styles.
Then came another second big surprise: Søft was also up for it.
And for all that I could see her potential, I didn't actually know she'd be able to produce SVG art in HH's signature style. I didn't dare to dream that she' take to the limited palettes, dark lines and intimate close-ups of Lewd Mod Noir half so well as she did. Soft absolutely killed this project and I am so very proud.
So I need to warn you that Lewd Mod: Noir is a little bit different to HH's titles. Some fans won't be into this alternative vision, this darker world, this meaner space. The art, erotica and writing are all a bit harder than previous titles. A bit more challenging.
Thanks to HH's careful direction this still feels, I think, very much like a member of the Lewd Mod Family. But every family has that one cousin who no-one likes to talk about. I think Lewd Mod Noir might be a little like this.
Anyway, look, the point is I really hope you enjoy the game, but it's OK if you don't. Either way, I hope you'll appreciate and support HH in indulging this little experiment. Do let us know what you think and maybe we'll do a little more of this sort of thing.
Great lore on the creation of Lewd MOD Noir edition